FACEBOOK PAGE: Michael Izuchukwu | Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/michael.izuchukwu.125/)

T>>> A DAY, WITHOUT SUNLIGHT (intrinsiccalling.blogspot.com)

SEEING FURTHER (eyewindows69.blogspot.com)


MANY OCEANS NO. 2 (ladder112no2.blogspot.com)

FOODS (foodgallery7.blogspot.com)

Michael Izuchukwu (@mci58) - Gab Social




X >>> DEEP DREAMING (solvingdreams.blogspot.com)

\/ (links below, in chronological order... ...from most recent, to least recent... ...when descending)

TOWARDS TRANSCENDENCE (dilationintime.blogspot.com)

IDEAS (wizardry777.blogspot.com)

DIFFERENT SHORES (angelsandkais.blogspot.com)

BACKYARD OF P.O.D.S. (bestowedmedals.blogspot.com)

HOUSE OF P.O.D.S. (gogold777.blogspot.com)

GOD OF THIS GALAXY? (galacticfaith.blogspot.com)

FROM HERE TO THERE (80yearsfromnow.blogspot.com)

A WALK AMONGST SKYSTONES (inception153.blogspot.com)


MAKING HASTE, WHILE THE SUN SHINES (3aurora297.blogspot.com)

mci57 (@mci57) - Gab Social

CURRENT AFFAIRS BLOG (C.A.B.) (snakeway11.blogspot.com)

CARPE DIEM: APPLYING SUCH, TO ONE'S LIFE ("I never think of the future; it comes... ...soon, enough..." - Albert Einstein (unknowncolors0.blogspot.com)

twelfthmoon - Plurk

CLIMBING THE STALK (2malachy70.blogspot.com)

FOODS (foodgallery7.blogspot.com)


11:50 PM (7/2/24):

Discussing my insights on Blaise Pascal's Wager (East Orange, NJ - 11:42 AM, on 3/12/22) - YouTube


Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz544) • Instagram photos and videos

Via www.weighingforapurpose.blogspot.com ... I was 268.6 pounds, on 4/12/22...

11:59 PM (7/2/24):

Steve Jobs - The Advice That Will Change Your Life Forever - YouTube


9:06 PM (7/2/24):

At 9:05 PM on 7/2/24, I concluded… …that it may be in my best interest, to lose ‘25-30’ pounds (as opposed to 40)… …for the sake, of ‘aortic dilation reversal’. I concluded, that this is in my best interest… …given that muscle, weighs more… …than fat.

(this implies, going from 238 to 208-213 pounds)

(I was 204 pounds, my senior year... of high school - to my recollection)

Lafayette High School Graduation photo (Slowdive - When the Sun Hits) - YouTube

(given that I am 6'4", my body mass index... ...should 'be more optimal,' if I do this) 


9:54 PM (7/2/24):

Appearances, can sometimes... ...be deceiving... ...depictions of people, online... ...may not be aligned, with how they appear... ...in real-life... ...unless there is time-stamp based, substantiation... ...and the acknowledgement, of other variables (such as age, dimensions - length, width and height/depth... ...and vibe/aura, along with gravitation)... ...which may be easier, to discern... ...in-person... ...or via 'live television (that is of high and/or accurate resolution)'...



A LOT, LIKE ENOCH (raptureornot333.blogspot.com)

I had just purchased ‘3’ Lorna Doone packs & ‘1 sparkling water drink… …from Walgreens (in East Orange, NJ), at 8:06 PM… …after having gone to ShopRite, to get ‘4’ bananas (at 7:57 PM)… The first time, that I had gone into Walgreens (prior to my banana acquisition), I had seen a ‘very large’ black woman (buttocks-wise, in 'gray sweatpants')… …in my presence. She was at least ‘6’ feet tall, but gave the vibe… …of one, who is ‘inundating’…

Man of Steel Official Teaser Trailer #1 - Superman Movie - Russell Crowe V.O. (2013) HD (youtube.com)


8:48 PM (7/2/24):

At 8:43 PM on 7/2/24, I had a conclusion.

As one gets older, one may watch TV less… …than when one did, when one was a child (assuming, one did so avidly… …in his/her childhood)… …because, he/she may be ‘less invested’... in airing shows… …as he/she, gets older… This is because of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (regarding ‘self-actualization’), evolution of human behavior… …over time… …and the fact, that real-life is different than ‘cinematic portrayals’… …and TV characters (which are a subset, of real-life), age… …over time… …making their performances, that… …which could be likened, to memorabilia… …or ‘time capsules’… (there is an increasing need, for tangibility... of that... ...which is viewed - the news, is daily refreshed... ...and consequently, has a 'timeless feel' - human values and ideologies, may be subject to change... over time)


8:55 PM (7/2/24):
A new generation of TV actors, emerges... ...every decade, or so...

10:14 PM (7/2/24):

Seoul Vlog | فلوق كوريا الجنوبية مع البنات🇰🇷 (youtube.com)

I don't understand the 'Arabic language,' that is spoken (or written)... ...in this video (I recognize the nature, of the 'enunciated sounds/dialect')... ...but from 6:52-7:31... ...I got the idea, that some Asians read books... ...as though, such is 'watching TV'... (the nature, of imagination... ...is multifaceted)


For one, who is 'deeply cultivated' with certain shows (anime and human-based)... ...once a framework is developed, subsequent shows... ...could be thought of, as refinement... ...or 'complementary'...

8:50 PM (7/2/24):
When I was a child, I watched Dragon Ball Z a lot... ...along with other shows, on Toonami, ESPN, the news, Disney channel, TNT and etcetera...

My most recent TV watching familiarity, on a 'routine basis'... ...was HBO's 'Game of Thrones'... and 'Westworld'...

('the above,' is analogous... ...for movies, being shown... in theatres... ...to, 'a degree')

(it's worth noting, how movies shown in theatres... ...may vary, based off which country... ...that you are in... ...although blockbuster-level movies, are typically shown... ...via various translations, on an international scale)


11:19 AM (7/2/24):
"...let he, who is without sin... ...cast, the first stone..." - John 8:7

A random thought, which appeared in my mind... ...about '1' minute, ago... Apparently, when Jesus Christ said this... ...He knew, about 'chaos theory'... ...and about the nature, of 'setting precedents'...

11:29 AM (7/2/24):
Imagine if there had been no moon landing, or if Isaac Newton... ...had not invented calculus, in 1665... ...or if Moses, had not parted... ...the Red Sea... ...or if the cave man... ...never discovered, how to make use... ...of fire... 

1:53 PM (7/2/24):
Hinge is the dating app, that my youngest brother (Joe)... ...found his fiancée (Yende Grell), on (they probably met, around 2018)... Their wedding, is on 10/5/24... ...in the country, of Dominica... In the context of not going (due to my mom's wishes/interests, and her not seeking to facilitate... ...my inclusion), Joe and I have scheduled intermittent 'hanging out' sessions (which could be perceived, as 'compensatory')... 

My middle brother, JJ/John Jr. ...is projected to be, in attendance (according to my mom). JJ and her, cohabit... ...at a residence/apartment/living quarters, that I have never seen (in 'Nutley, NJ')... ...aside from the fact, that I have not seen JJ (face-to-face)... ...or heard, his voice... ...since the Fall, of 2018 (when JJ was reimbursing 'thugs/homies,' who he had been indebted to... ...for paraphernalia usage)... 

(Analogous, to 'militaristic extortion'... ...evoking of the phrase 'Tyrone, didn't make it...')'

SEE (for elaboration):
IN THE CLASSROOM (setonhallgrad2015.blogspot.com)

2:01 PM (7/2/24):

yende grell - Google Search


Dominica - Wikipedia

4:21 PM (7/2/24):
American Gangster (10/11) Movie CLIP - The Right Thing To Do (2007) HD (youtube.com)

Moments ago, when viewing the 'above' video recommendation... ...I had the abrupt revelation, that perhaps my dad... ...saw this movie, with 'his friends and/or associates'... ...when such was playing in theatres... ...and felt irate, because Denzel's role as Frank Lucas... ...gave the impression, that he had a PhD... ...and was 'being obstructed,' via discriminatory practices...

(not sure what inspired the revelation, but perhaps such has a degree... ...of legitimacy)

4:32 PM (7/2/24):

Watermelon (2 out of 3 pieces), as of 3:54 PM... on 7/2/24
Pre-Independence Day 'snacking' (antioxidants)

Asian dude in 'his apartment,' as the song 'Vas'... by Jagger Finn, plays - YouTube ('Fireworks show'... ...Independence Day 2022*)

do they do fireworks on independence day - Google Search ('verification-based' Google Search)


11:51 PM (7/1/24):

Professor Lambeau and Sean patch things up Good Will Hunting - 5 December 1997 - YouTube

9:04 AM (7/2/24):

"Don't ever take my son away from me" | The Pursuit of Happyness | CLIP (youtube.com)

[when I was 18 years old (senior year, of high school), I believe this scene... ...was playing (one day), in English class - teacher was Ms. April O'Neal*, to my recollection]

9:23 AM (7/2/24):

Will Smith got the millionaire mindset | The Pursuit of Happyness | CLIP - YouTube


11:46 PM (7/1/24):

Coffee Meets Bagel profile, suggestion/match... ...as of 4/12/24
'A spiritual' person
My type (attraction-wise)
Values loyalty
'Seemingly elusive' body language


11:14 PM (7/1/24):

Hinge app suggestion/match, from 6:28 PM... on 12/26/22
Likes traveling & humor
My type (attraction-wise)
African American doppelganger, of a former coworker... of mine (who is the blonde counterpart)
Hypothesis: Inference of 'Upper twenties' chronological age (I didn't 'see' such posted, at 'the time')
Could be more informative 


10:32 PM (7/1/24):


Coffee Meets Bagel profile, that liked my account... 
Educated & foreign
Not my type (attraction-wise)
Could be taller
Has kids*
'Presently' older than me (chronologically), by '5' years (hmmm - something about 'maturity of behavior, with age... ...stereotypically'

8:38 AM (7/2/24):
An inference of mine, is that this 'liking'... may be a sign... ...that there are those, who feel that my background (and/or prior decisions/actions, amidst life circumstances)... is aligned... ...with someone, of an age... ...corresponding, to a higher maturity level... ...than someone, who is presently 34 years... ...of age ('on average, that is')...
This line of thinking, is counterintuitive... ...but makes sense, in the context... of 'looking back'... ...and the irreversibility, of time (presumably, that is)... ...for those, who do not 'seize the day (carpe diem)'...
34 to 29, vs. 39 to 34 (for instance)
9:00 AM (7/2/24):
The people who don't take life for granted, who seek to make an impact... ...on the world... ...and who believe, in a higher power (something greater, than themselves)... ...are those, who are most likely... ...to relate, to 'the above' analysis...

10:35 PM (7/1/24):
Snapshot of my Coffee Meets Bagel profile pictures section (as of 6:48 PM, on 4/6/24)



As of 8:41 PM on 7/1/24, the following words… …appeared, in my mind:

"God knows I am a cynical man, but when push comes to shove… …I take initiative, in 'preventing issues… …so that solutions, need not… be sought'…"

The inspiration for such words, is unknown... ...given that I don't relate entirely, to this sentiment...

At 9:33 PM, on 7/1/24, the following idea… …occurred, to me:

When one is experiencing the 'preliminary effects,' of what 'actual/literal hell'… …is like… (post-Rapture... for those 'left behind')… …such could be likened, to constant fixation… on money (to the point, where such consumes one's livelihood… …and detracts, from a person’s recognition… …of the Holy Spirit)… 

The Holy Spirit, is a human's link... to Jesus Christ ('God the Son')... ...given that He is the intermediator, between humans... and God the Father...

DIFFERENT STAIRCASES (brighteroptions.blogspot.com)

2. A LOT, LIKE ENOCH (raptureornot333.blogspot.com) 

3. ONCE UPON A CATALYST (otherhome112.blogspot.com)


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