
Showing posts from January, 2022

#5 - HARMONIZATION ('dimensional brainstorming')

#5 - HARMONIZATION December 05, 2021  5:34 AM (12/5/21): "Given my dimensional being limitation in the afterlife is now 230 (as opposed to 225), this gives credence to the notion that Jesus Christ has transcended His own (of 347)... the context of me being 5.67-dimensional on Day 1 of the afterlife (as opposed to 4.14-D)..." - Michael Izuchukwu   #4 - DIMENSIONAL ASCENT December 05, 2021 5:17 AM (12/5/21): "I formerly concluded that I had a dimensional being limitation, of 225... Not too long ago, I surmised that such is now 230... in the context of me being projected to be 5.67-dimensional (as opposed to 4.14-dimensional), as of Day 1... of the afterlife... There is great difficulty in 'dimensional ascent,' given that such involves 'interactions' with other 'higher dimensional beings'... and also the notion that such is a 'supernatural' ordeal... If the aforementioned is in fact true, then Jesus Christ's dimension